Tag Archive for family legacies

What is a Family Legacy Worth?

Okay, this is more of a free-written type post – haven’t done one in awhile because I’d buried some of my past thoughts in the past. But I have occasion to revisit them. Also, I like to speak metaphorically, it just breathes more logic into otherwise complex topics.

What is a Family Legacy?

Tell me though, anyone, what does a family legacy mean to you? Generations of building, growing, loving… How about when that legacy is also running a family-owned business? If that business is carefully cultivated and nurtured by those before you, and they entrust it to the next generation, and then over time, the next. Suddenly, it’s you who is tasked with carrying the torch for your family. (And maybe there are several of you.) You’ll show everyone you’re capable of keeping the boat upright while ensuring everyone aboard is doing their best to do the same. You treat others with respect and guide and empower them to make the right decisions as you weather the storms together.

The inevitable challenges arise, but you keep pushing, because it’s the right thing to do, and because you’re prepared for this moment – life prepares you for all of this, right? You’re brilliant, you’ve paid attention and paid your dues, so you’re surely as capable if not more capable than those before you. (Of course, this is why many family businesses fail, right…people die, or it falls into incapable hands and/or they sell out before it becomes an utter failure on their watch.)

Surviving the Storm

But what happens when greed, sloth, envy, wrath, and all those other deadly sins start to creep in? The foundation starts to crumble, the seas begin to toss and turn your ship. But you keep going, because it’s what those before you would want you to do – they made it work, after all. But then it becomes too much for some of the crew, they see trouble ahead, ride it out as best as they can, but know when it’s time to jump ship. It’s not that they want to, but it becomes necessary for their own survival and sanity.

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