Mathnet and Square One TV: Books, DVDs, and Videos

Before I continue the ongoing series (yes, I know it’s been since January), I thought I’d point out a few ways you can view and own content from Square One TV and Mathnet. It can be harder to find these things since many of them have been out-of-print for awhile, but if there’s enough demand, maybe Sesame Workshop will listen one day yet…?

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Videos: VHS and DVD

Okay, so this category might more targeted to teachers, but you can also find a few releases on Amazon as well. Keep in mind, the Amazon ones are VHS only, so you’ll need to go old school or find someone who can transfer them to a more modern format. 😉


Here are the VHS titles you can purchase on Amazon currently. Some may be used or in like-new condition, since they may be sold by third-party vendors. The tapes were once sold brand new back in the early 2000s, but alas, that’s awhile ago now. You can occasionally find these on eBay as well.

Square One TV Video Jukebox

Hosted by “Downtown” Julie Brown, features a handful of music videos from the show.

Mathnet: The Case of the Unnatural

The one-hour version of the “Android” episode. Originally came with a lenticular trading card, although used copies may not have them.

Mathnet: Treasure in Monterey Bay

This is the only time the episode had this title. The actual title was Despair in Monterey Bay. This is the one-hour version also. Originally came with a lenticular ruler; again, a used copy may not come with them. I remember seeing this as a PBS pledge drive incentive once, too…

GPN Educational Media

GPN used to offer VHS tapes in their shop, but it seems they have since changed over to the DVD format. These can be pricey if you’re purchasing more than one, but this is to cover the cost of broadcast rights for teachers who use them in their classroom. They have Kate-era episodes, so if you’re looking for legitimate copies of those, here you go. GPN offers downloadable teacher’s guides as well for classroom use.

Mathnet Cases on offer from GPN: The Case of the Dirty Money, The Case of the Missing Air, The Trial of George Frankly, The View from the Rear Terrace, The Case of the Missing BaseballPurchase them HERE!

Square One TV/Math Talk

For a short time after Square One TV went off the air, they aired repackaged mini episodes called “Math Talk” intended for classroom use. There is no Mathnet footage with these, but if you enjoy classic Square One TV content in themed packages, these will be right up your alley. They also offer a teacher’s guide packed with worksheets and activities teachers can use with their lessons. Available in English and Spanish.

Math Talk Series: Unit 1: Probability and Statistics, Unit 2: Number Sense, Unit 3: Measurement, Unit 4: Geometry. Purchase Math Talk HERE!

Streaming Media

Okay, so technically I shouldn’t mention these, because nobody is getting paid and Sesame Workshop might not like that…that said, if you go to YouTube, you can find full episodes of Square One TV and stand-alone Mathnet cases. No guarantee how long they might be there, and the quality isn’t always great, but it’s one way to see the show since it no longer airs on TV. 🙁

Square One TV Playlists / Mathnet Playlists


A small handful of Mathnet Casebooks (six in total) were published in the mid-late 90s, and thankfully these seem to be fairly easy to find. You may not find brand new copies for the most part, but they’re out there. If you strike out on Amazon, eBay is also an excellent place to look. For some reason, libraries have cast off a lot of barely-used copies, but that means you won’t pay out the nose for them! There are paperback and hardbound versions for each.

Note: These are not brand-new Mathnet cases; they are heavily based on the original episodes with a bit of creative licensing thrown in with absolutely fantastic illustrations by Danny O’Leary and little puzzles at the end of each book. 😀

Casebook #1: The Case of the Unnatural

Enjoy this case about Roy “Lefty” Cobbs and his unbelievable baseball skills. (Spoiler alert: he was an “adenoid,” er…android.)

Casebook #2: Despair in Monterey Bay

Read about the second time the Despair Diamond went missing. Apparently rich people aren’t great about keeping this jewel safe. 😉

Casebook #3: The Case of the Willing Parrot

Yes, it’s a Kate case! Little Louie teaches you about the Fibonacci Sequence, and honestly, that’s where we all learned it, right? 1-1-2-3-5…EUREKA!

Casebook #4: The Map With a Gap

Travel to Mulch Gulch with Kate and George, who are in pursuit of buried treasure.

Casebook #5: The Case of the Mystery Weekend

Pretty much nearly everyone’s favorite Mathnet case, right? The Mathnetters end up at a mysterious manor house thanks to George’s fantastic driving skills and a janky road sign. 😀

Casebook #6: The Case of the Smart Dummy

Ventriloquist Edgar Bergman isn’t talking after one of his dummies goes missing. It’s cool though, because his other dummy, Charlie, is more than happy to chat up the Mathnetters.

Other Published Media

3-2-1 Contact Magazine

Back in the late 80s and early 90s, there were quite a few magazines for various CTW/Sesame Workshop shows. 3-2-1 Contact, a science show that did not actually air Mathnet (some people mistakenly think that), featured Square One TV segments in their magazine for quite awhile. I’ll need to dig up a list to tell you which issues specifically, but you can find them on eBay occasionally.

Square One TV Puzzle Book

There was also a Square One TV Puzzle book available at one time, however this one is way more elusive and I’ve only ever seen it on eBay. I believe it was available via Scholastic Books from their book order service, if that helps.

And, that’s it for now. Thanks for your patience, and happy shopping, viewing, reading, or whatever you decide to do!

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