…is mankind. Needless to say, these are some crazy, unprecedented times we’re living in, and it’s up to us to figure this shit out. Not just a few of us, all of us as a collective.
God help us. Only it’s not up to God, it’s up to US.
Let’s make COVID-19 history. Not as something that destroys us (try as it might), but as something that reminds us what’s truly important in this life – not possessions, money, or fame. Not celebrity athletes, business tycoons, or entertainers. In case you’re not following me here – what’s important is our families, friends, neighbors, and fellow residents of Earth – regardless of what we believe, where we live, or who we vote for, we are a common group of people who are supposed to be sharing this space and time. And we must rely on and support each other to survive this bonkers test we’ve been thrown into. Slow it. Stop it. Whatever it takes, we must rise to this challenge.
Be well and take care of yourselves, all. Remember, we’re in this fight together, and it will define who and where we are as humans from this point forward.
Peace. Love. And God willing, good health.
Social Media
Education, Entertainment, Mathnet, Social Media, Square One TV
Square One TV and Mathnet – Part One: The Heavy Hitters
by Jill the Pill • • 1 Comment
Before We Begin…

On this day approximately 1 billion seconds ago (that’s 32 years, in case you didn’t know, and no I’m not trying to be exact on the math), Square One TV premiered on PBS. It seemed like the perfect time to finally start this little series of show-related blog posts.
2019 also marks 50 years since Sesame Workshop (once known as Children’s Television Workshop) began their legacy of remarkable kids’ educational programming that continues to this day. Like many of you, I cut my teeth on shows like Mister Rogers, Sesame Street, 3-2-1-Contact, The Electric Company, and of course, a little show called Square One Television. I could carry on about all of these shows, but you’re only here for SQTV, am I right? It’s why I’m here, so I guess that’s why you are. 😉
A quick side
Diamonds in the Rough – The Big Time Coverage

The point of these upcoming posts is to gather all the modern-day media coverage for the show. While articles don’t come up often, when they do, fans crawl out of the woodwork and get nostalgic all over social media, usually in waves as different people find them over time. Maybe you missed them the first time around, heck, those of us who have followed the fandom for 30+ years now may have missed a few, too. So, let’s take a look at the most high-profile media sources who have given their props to the show. I’ll go in the order they came out.
Remember Square One?
The site for geeks, dorks, nerds, and everyone in-between. Looks like these guys may have struck first, back in June of 2013. Maggie Ryan Sanford included several videos from YouTube in this Square One TV/Mathnet coverage (some of which may or may not still be online).
Vox Media

9 Facts Only Mathnet Fans Will Care About
Let’s play “What Do We Know?” This article by Phil Edwards came out a few years back – May of 2015 to be exact, but it still makes the rounds on social media, and it’s a fun little read. Gobble up these nerdy facts about your favorite math detectives and impress/scare your friends.

The 90s Kids’ Shows That Informed Adam Conover’s Comedy the Most
This one picked up some buzz (pun intended) just before the next article, back in late November of 2018. Erik Abriss’ interview with Adam Conover touches on the 90s shows that influenced his comedy work: Beakman’s World, Bill Nye the Science Guy, and Square One TV.
This 80s PBS Show Made it Cool to Love Math
This is the most recent one from December of 2018, and with BuzzFeed being the major player they are in the media, it got a lot of attention on Twitter. Major major props to Anne Helen Peterson for this one. Some nice mathematics of love for Square One and Mathnet as a whole.
Closing Thoughts
You don’t have to comment here or even acknowledge my efforts, just share and enjoy and put a bug or two in the ears of those you know (especially those who might have connections, if you know what I mean). And do keep checking back, because I promise at some point I will have some real gems to share in the form of cast pictures, printed articles, and collectibles I’ve found along the way. And there will be more parts including interviews, podcasts, blog posts, and other items of interest.
Giving Props Where They’re Due…
A big thank you to the fellow fans who helped me dig up these links – I wouldn’t know where to find them all without your help! Gayle G., Lori J., Heather J., Lauren HS, and Brian H.
Props to these diehard fans who also help to keep these efforts going: April S., Von T., Anton S., Philip H., Christopher M., Sonia L., and Viewers Like You!
Entertainment, Mathnet, Social Media, Square One TV
Square One TV and Mathnet – A Comprehensive Fan Rundown
by Jill the Pill • • 0 Comments
Head’s Up! Upcoming Blog Series!
Coming soon to this blog, a multi-part series focusing on the numerous media articles, blogs, podcasts, and artwork by fans of Square One TV (and Mathnet). There’s been a lot of buzz on Twitter alone in recent years, which has me thinking it’s time to put everything in a central location so everyone can read and enjoy the myriad of fan tributes and the like. And hey, maybe Sesame Workshop is paying attention and will eventually do something about it (and seriously, they are actually paying attention).
Anyway, please be patient and stay tuned – I’ve had my crack team of die-hard fans helping me find the various articles, interviews, and so forth – some of the finds have been hidden gems that people may have missed, while others received tons of comments and likes on social media, even a few from VIPs (including actors, writers, and others who were involved with the show).
Tide Yourselves Over, Dear Fans
In the meantime, if you haven’t already, why not check out the Mathnet fan community on Facebook or have a look at the new Square One TV Wiki project that’s looking for contributors. (Shout out to fan Christopher Mallow for its creation.) Or maybe you just want to share in the joy that is all things Classic PBS? There’s a community for that, too. (Shout out to fan Lori Shirley for creating it!)

(RIP, Reg E. Cathey.)
Entertainment, Mathnet, Social Media, Square One TV
Coming to NYC: A Square One TV/Mathnet 30th Anniversary Tribute Show!
by Jill the Pill • • 6 Comments
Hey, Square One TV/Mathnet fans! 2017 marks 30 years since Square One Television first debuted on PBS! My, how time flies, eh? There’s so much that’s been going on within the fandom over the years that I need to take some time to point out all the amazing projects and social media posts I’ve found, although today, let’s just focus on this upcoming event.
The PIT’s Square One TV/Mathnet 30th Anniversary Tribute Show! Happening in NYC at the People’s Improv Theatre on Thursday, January 26, 2017 at 8:00 p.m. Tickets are $5 – call ahead to reserve yours!
This is totally a dream fan project of sorts, so grab your 80s fashions and travel back in time, mathematics-style! One of the performers is an old Mathnet fandom friend of mine (hi, Heather!), so please do go and support all the hard work and talent behind this special event!
But Who’s Going?
Will I be there? I wish! Although if anyone attends and grabs video, pictures, etc., feel free to post here and/or share online! Go! Make me jealous! Maybe if it goes over well, they’ll do future performances…you never know!?!?! (PSST! Rumor has it some former cast members, writers and crew may also be in attendance.) I have been fortunate enough to keep in touch with many of the actors and behind-the-scenes crew over the years, so if anyone has a chance to meet any of them in person, tell them hello and shake their hands for me!
Connect With Fellow Fans!
The fan base has sort of migrated throughout social media over the years, starting on Usenet back in the late 90s, but for the time being, Facebook is the place to find many fans. Here are a few Square One TV-related groups/pages where you can post memories, pictures, stories, etc., at that:
Square One TV Page on Facebook (Like the page; it seems to be a semi-official one.)
Mathnet – “To Cogitate and to Solve” (Public group)
Square One TV Math Fans (Closed group – request to join!)
Should any video and pictures materialize from the event, I’ll update this post to reflect it!
Enjoy! And until next time, “May the Math Be With You!“
Disasters, Feelings, Life, Social Media
Elections 2016 – Where Do We Go From Here?
by Jill the Pill • • 0 Comments
I posted the following on Facebook after thinking about how these elections are making me feel tonight. After reading/writing some pretty intense tweets, a few thoughts suddenly hit me, and I just want to put them out there for those feeling a bit lost/confused/angry right now. We have to look out for each other in this life, more than ever.
No matter how this ends, let’s piece ourselves together and realize something: as voters, we have the right to stand up/die for what is right and in the best interest of ALL our fellow Americans, we don’t have to accept that this nation is literally divided more than ever right now. If this is what causes a massive change in how the world turns for awhile, well, we may as well go for broke.
Giving up and running away won’t fix that, we have to do our part to ensure everyone feels safe and welcome in the United States (or Divided States, as it appears). The world really is counting on us here no matter who takes office and many I’m sure would help come to our aid should we need to take a stand against hate and bigotry.
Okay, I know, I posted that image earlier about not gloating or expressing anguish, and we don’t really know how this is gonna end just yet…
Image Source: David Borrink