Monthly Archives: August 2024

On Being Your Authentic Self

(NOTE: I originally posted another version of this to my LinkedIn profile, but thought it would be a good post to share here as well – it’ll make sense once you read it.)

Hey, it’s been a LONG while! Just a quick thought today. Not that I share them often here! 🤔

I have been doing BIG brave things recently – applying for full-time jobs that offer more stability and professional development than a freelance career currently does (if you know, you know). I have years’ worth of experience and skills I know are valuable, even if I don’t have a formal college degree. It’s a tough market, job-wise, but I am pursuing opportunities I think would be beneficial for me and the companies that might want to hire me.

So, I’ve been carefully checking out companies whose values align with mine – places that truly care about their employees and the people they serve. I’ve been reading employer/employee reviews, seeing how these companies interact with the public, and so on. It’s helped me to identify places I could see myself working for many years if I’m the right fit. 🙏

And then I think, okay, but how would these companies see ME? If I’m checking them out, they’re also going to check my references and social media posts, etc, to get an idea of who I am too.

I Know You Are, But What Am I?

Should I go through every post I’ve ever made anywhere – maybe delete some of them? Or have I been honest, authentic, and human? (God knows I have been on this blog…go ahead and read some old posts if you’d like.) ✌️

I keep a fairly low profile on social media for the most part (if you know where to look, you can find me out there, although I don’t post on Twitter/X anymore – sorry not sorry, but it’s complete trash now). But, I do speak up about the issues and news that I care about. We can’t remain silent when others want to control what we think or how we live our lives. If we’re not out there speaking up, endorsing the candidates who best represent us, and occasionally clapping back at those who want to do harm and/or bully us, how does that make us look?

If we are bold enough to express ourselves, be real, maybe swear a little or say something snarky, at least we are showing we care enough to stand up and be seen and would do the same for others. 👋

So, maybe we might surprise people with a little spicy language and strong opinions (handled tactfully, of course), but if we genuinely care about the people around us, then we have nothing to hide or be ashamed of. And if a company can accept us as we are, along with seeing our potential to do a good job, well then all the better they took the time to give us a shot. 🙏

Be Yourself, But Don’t Be a Dick!

Not saying we want to be truly awful and careless out there, but to just be ourselves. And you know, by doing the right thing and acting on our best behavior in a professional setting. Maybe we’re not for everyone (especially my fellow neurospicies out there), but the right people will see and honor our spunk, our kindness, and desire to be the best we can be – in a way that can benefit everyone. In life, on the job, and everywhere in-between. 🙏

And as Wil Wheaton reminds us every year on July 29th, his birthday is what he calls “Don’t Be a Dick Day.” Something we can try to aim for every day. So, let’s try our best not to be, right? Nobody’s perfect, but as long as we’re willing to learn and grow, we’re all fighting the same good fight in this life.

Just be human, and just be unapologetically YOU. Your people and those who truly value you will appreciate, honor, and encourage you for it. To heck with the rest of ‘em. I know there are people who may not like me or agree with me, and I may feel the same about some of them too, and that’s okay. And I’m doing just fine living my life in an authentic, honest, and compassionate, way. ✌️