The Art of Mathnet.

To test out a few new things in WordPress, I decided to set up this little gallery of Mathnet-related images that the fan community has come across over the years.

There is plenty of Mathnet “Fan Art” out there (I am guilty of making some myself…please don’t go looking for it, it’s really bad…seriously), but these are some legit, awesomely-done pieces of art by notable illustrators and the like. Okay, so maybe XKCD isn’t all about fancy details, it’s about the clever humor more than anything, and the photo at the end isn’t really art, I just needed to round out the gallery (okay so really, I can’t figure out how to delete it from the gallery without deleting it completely..d’oh). These are a bit on the grayscale side when it comes down to it, but if you really want to picture them in color, why not print them out, dust off a Box of 64* and go to town!

Click a thumbnail to view the gallery:

I am not worthy of such greatness! While I have honed my artsy-fartsy skills over the years, I will never be as talented as those guys. At some point, I’ll try and dig up my own art (I know where it is, heh heh), among other things, and I invite others to do the same if they’re so inclined. Maybe I’ll crack if someone else shares first. 😉

Aaaaannnnnd that’s it for today. Thank you, come again! -Jill 😀

P.S. – While I work on getting the site overhauled (lots of projects going on at the moment), if you’re itching to discuss Mathnet (and the Square One TV Forum is still down…sorry, I have no idea what went wrong, I was just a moderator there), why not check out Von Thompson’s reviews and run-downs of the Mathnet episodes on her WordPress Blog? Let’s get some good discussions going so the folks at Sesame Workshop take notice, yeah?

*Do people still have boxes of 64 crayons? With sharpeners inside the box? Ahh, good times.

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